Operations Professionals SJT


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16 Pages Remaining

You are about to start an exercise aimed at Operations Professionals.

In this test you will be presented with 16 work scenarios, and each scenario has four possible responses. Your task is to indicate one response you believe to be MOST appropriate and one response you believe to be LEAST appropriate, based on the information you have. All responses are plausible, but some are likely to appeal to you more than others.

When you have made your two choices (leaving two responses in each block unanswered), move on to the next question and continue in the same way. Below is an example question.


There is no time limit, but you should expect to spend approximately 10 minutes completing it.


Please note that all information you provide when completing this test is held securely and protected from unauthorised access, improper use or disclosure.

Under data protection legislation every individual has rights as to how their personal data is handled and we recognise the need to treat all such data in an appropriate and lawful manner, according to the nature and classification of such data. We are committed to complying with current legislation including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/ 679 (GDPR), together with any applicable, enacting, successor or amending legislation.