Improvement Benchmark 360 Survey
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What do 360 Degree Feedback Surveys assess?
360 Feedback Surveys are a method of performance appraisal that gathers feedback from several sources, including the boss and peers of the Focus of the 360, as well as relevant others, such as senior colleagues and customers. This multiple feedback perspectives help to make performance management and professional development more objective and fair process.
Typical roles that would use our Professional Benchmark are:
1. Leaders
2. Managers
3. Professionals
Overview of the Improvement Benchmark
Our Improvement Benchmark Survey presents individuals and their raters with 20 short behavioural statements and some open-ended questions to consider. They are then invited to rate the performance of an individual, with answers ranging from ‘Very Poor’, to ‘Poor’, to ‘Neither Poor Nor Strong’, to ‘Strong’ to ‘Very Strong’, as well as recording the change in performance, whether the individual has grown ‘Stronger’, ‘Weaker’ or shown ‘No Difference’. Additionally, raters and the candidate are given an opportunity to comment on both the strengths and development areas of an individual.
The Improvement Benchmark is ideal for evaluating the progress an individual has made over time and is often used to review the impact of coaching or leadership development programmes.
As with all our 360-degree surveys, the Improvement Benchmark is untimed but typically takes 10-15 minutes to complete.
The Improvement Benchmark measures 4 key areas of performance:
1. Relating to Others: Building relationships across an organisation to communicate fluently to colleagues and stakeholders
2. Building Understanding: Gathering sufficient information to make strategic decisions and solve problems in a timely manner
3. Managing Performance: Working in a systematic and pragmatic manner to surpass performance expectations for oneself, one’s team and the business
4. Professional Integrity: Demonstrating a genuine commitment to company standards and values
How to get the most from your Improvement Benchmark 360 Survey
To get the most from your Improvement Benchmark survey, it can be useful to consider the following points:
1. Pick a representative sample: To get an accurate 360 assessment, it is best to pick a representative sample of seniors, peers, direct reports, and others to give you well-rounded view. Try to pick people that know you well (usually longer than 12 months), that you have worked closely with.
2. Reflect honestly: As you will not be the only person rating yourself, try to be as honest and transparent as possible when answering the questions and rating the statements.
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Take a free test. On completion you will be able to download a detailed report based on your results. We will not ask you for any personal information to be able to view your report.