We are an expert provider of assessment products, providing off-the-shelf psychometrics and custom design tests.


Call or email to discuss our tests or to book a Demonatration of our platform +44 (0)7872 019525 or support@viewpoint-psychology.com

Psychometric Design

Create your own:

  1. - We design, validate & host your test(s)
  2. OR
  3. - You provide the design and we simply host it

Customised Assessments

Customise assessments in different ways:

  1. - Branding
  2. - Change email invitation content
  3. - Link to recruitment process

British Psychological Society

We have tests registered with the BPS

  1. - This demonstrates our ability and commitment to providing Valid, Reliable & Fair tests


We are certified for ISO/IEC 27001:2022

  1. - An information security management system (ISMS) that is internationally recognised as a best practice framework and one of the most popular information security management standards worldwide